Apply the baking soda onto your stained cutting board with a sponge or brush. Add just enough water so it forms a thick paste. If you have stubborn stains on your wood cutting board, baking soda saves the day! Sprinkle some baking soda into a small bowl. #6 Remove stains on wooden cutting boards with a baking soda paste Slice a lemon in half and rub the fleshy part over the salt. Sprinkle coarse sea salt liberally over a cutting board. A simple lemon and salt rub helps to remove lingering odors. Sometimes cutting boards (especially wooden ones), start to smell kinda funky.
Whether you just cut raw meat or veggies, we’ll go over how to clean your wooden cutting board effectively. #5: Remove odors on cutting boards with lemon and saltĪ Guide To Cleaning Your Wood Cutting Board You can buy these at the dollar store, or make your own tin foil version. Use a tin drip catcher to catch any grease drips from casserole dishes. This is more of a preventative measure than a cleaning tip, but still helpful nonetheless. #4: Prevent oven stains with a drip catcher Microwave for one minute, then allow the heat to dissipate for several minutes before wiping clean with a sponge. Fill a heat-safe bowl halfway with water and add a wedge of lemon. Luckily, you can easily remove stuck on food inside your microwave with water and lemon. Run your load, and your dishes and sponges are clean! #3: Clean your microwave with a bowl of water and lemonīaked on food debris? Welcome to the club.

The next time you have a full load of dishes to run in the dishwasher, throw in your dish sponges and wiping cloths onto the top rack. #2: Disinfect sponges or cloths in the dishwasher Avoid getting vinegar on stone countertops such as marble or granite, waxed wood surfaces, or grout. Follow this with a quick vinegar rinse, then rinse well with water. Sprinkle a bit of baking soda in the sink, and use a sponge to work in small circles. Use baking soda to naturally clean stainless-steel sinks and drains. #1: Use baking soda for spotless sinks and drainsīaking soda has so many uses around the home. Here’s a few tips on keeping your kitchen clean and sanitary. This is important to prevent the transmission of illnesses and prevent harmful foodborne germs like Salmonella or E. While it’s okay to let other rooms of the house slide a bit, it’s vital that your kitchen as a basic level of cleanliness and sanitation. Everything you need to know about deep cleaning and removing rust on your Dutch oven.